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About Gilles

About Gilles Allard

During his 50+ year career as an explorationist and professor of Economic Geology, Gilles was always in the field, and invariably returned with wonderfully complete suites of rocks from a myriad of ore deposits. Gilles has always believed in looking at ore deposits as more than just ore, such that his sample suites always contain, in addition to ore samples, many samples of representative alteration as well as unaltered host rocks.


Gilles is now retired, but is still a presence in the department. He is the recipient of the Duncan Derry medal of the GAC, the A.O. Dufresne award of the CIM, the Grand Prix de Mérite award of the AGGQ, and the Jean Descarreaux award of the AEMQ. He still lives in Athens, and will reply to any and all emails, just make the font large, 28 point works great! His email is


The Allard collection curation effort is coordinated by Doug Crowe, who is a Professor in the Department of Geology. Support for the decades long curation of the collection has been provided by the UGA Museum of Natural History in the form of student interns, the UGA Geology Department, and the Franklin College of Arts and Sciences. We are currently working on getting numerous donated suites of samples from our alums into the collection, and on photographing the entire collection sample by sample. If you want to help make the Allard Collection even better and are in a position to contribute well annotated materials, contact Doug at


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