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- Collection12
- Document2
- Geological Specimen13280
- Mine...
- regional sample 584
- Henderson, CO 449
- Pebble 419
- Flambeau 307
- Sill 154
- Haile 153
- Money Knob 149
- Kidd Creek 137
- Cherokee 136
- Bor 135
- Franklin 126
- Thompson 124
- Boca de Laje 113
- Anderson Lake 107
- White Pine 104
- Patino Lemoine 100
- Grassy Valley 97
- Jumbo South 96
- Graves Mountain 94
- Silver Valley 88
- Ridgeway 87
- Brewer 84
- Greens Creek 81
- Sterling 78
- Fox Lake 76
- Ajo 72
- Iron Hill, CO 71
- Tigrinoye 71
- Midas (AK) 69
- Cofer 68
- Joe Mann 64
- Sleeper 64
- Sullivan, BC 64
- Rua Cove 62
- French 61
- Winston Lake 60
- Buick 55
- Grace 53
- Chino 52
- Chisel Lake 52
- South Main 51
- Brunswick #12 49
- Balmat 47
- Henderson #2 47
- Ruttan 47
- Lynn Lake 45
- Malhada dos Angicos 45
- Mountain Pass 45
- United Verde 44
- MacLean 42
- Murgul 42
- Stillwater 41
- Icon Sullivan 40
- Pueblo Viejo 40
- American Rutile 39
- Horne 39
- Mount Emmons 38
- Summitville 38
- Copper Queen 37
- Kearney 37
- Millenbach 37
- Orchan 36
- United Verde Extension 36
- Gaspe Copper 35
- Tisur 35
- Trout Lake 35
- Clara 34
- Dorn 34
- Braden 33
- Brunswick #6 33
- Homestake 33
- Mattagami Lake 33
- Pilot Knob 33
- Laisvall 32
- Eagle Mountain 31
- GECO 31
- Moanda 31
- Nemegos 31
- Opemisca 31
- Copper Mtn 30
- Elmwood 30
- Hanover Mountain 30
- Rhochrome 30
- Vostok-2 30
- Joma 29
- Bingham Canyon 28
- Falcondo Nickel 28
- Rooiberg Tin 28
- San Manuel 28
- Coleman 27
- Oktyabr'skoe 27
- Pine Creek 27
- Bruneau 26
- Montauban 26
- Sullivan, ID 26
- Timbauba 26
- Chaillac 25
- Dionne 25
- Kansanshi 25
- Mt. Isa 25
- Waite Amulet 25
- Weedon 25
- Otjosondu 24
- St. Lawrence 24
- Faro 23
- Nevada Massachusetts 23
- North 23
- Burra Burra 22
- Denison 22
- Gossan Lead 22
- New Idria 22
- U.S. Borax 22
- 21N Site 21
- Belinga 21
- Deva 21
- Kerr-Addison 21
- Morenci 21
- Pima 21
- Young 21
- Barite Hill 20
- Faye 20
- Midas (NV) 20
- Sacramento Hill 20
- Salsigne 20
- Siglo Veinte 20
- Silver Bell 20
- Talnakh 20
- Minntac 19
- Pittsmont 19
- Sunnyside 19
- Tahawus 19
- Bomi Hills 18
- Grandroy 18
- Heath Steele 18
- Idaho-Maryland 18
- Lac Tio 18
- Lourdes 18
- Mofjell 18
- Palabora 18
- Ray 18
- Stekenjokk 18
- Wedge 18
- Ertsberg 17
- Helen 17
- Sao Joao 17
- Cala 16
- Empire, MI 16
- Iron Hill, BC 16
- Mt. Pleasant 16
- Oka 16
- Sierrita 16
- Zinc Corporation 16
- Benson 15
- Chambishi 15
- DY 15
- Dickinson 15
- Echassieres 15
- H-W 15
- Hollister 15
- Iron Mountain, MO 15
- Lengenbach 15
- Montredon 15
- Norbeau 15
- Silver Plume 15
- Stall Lake 15
- Agylki 14
- Betze-Post 14
- Birthday 14
- Chibougamau 14
- Coniagas 14
- Cooke 14
- Gold Basin Rand 14
- Island Copper 14
- Lost Creek barite 14
- Mata Grande Copper 14
- Mesnard 14
- Mont Reed 14
- Mountain Consolidated 14
- Rana 14
- Round Valley 14
- Tharsis 14
- Warrego 14
- Bad Grund 13
- Camp Bird 13
- Carson 13
- Chibuluma West 13
- Gold Hill, UT 13
- Hazelhurst 13
- Lisbon 13
- Lowell 13
- Mont-Roc 13
- Mt. Morgan 13
- Nikolaevsky 13
- Niobec 13
- Palo Verde 13
- Portage 13
- Poudrette 13
- Selukwe Peak 13
- Shinkolobwe 13
- Steelpoort 13
- Sutherland 13
- Tanco 13
- Campbell, QUE 12
- Iron Duke 12
- Kimzey 12
- Lupin 12
- Mary Kathleen Uranium 12
- Murray 12
- New Broken Hill 12
- Paricutin 12
- Piney River 12
- Pucro 12
- Saint Salvy 12
- Silverfields 12
- Toquepala 12
- Tsumeb 12
- Albanel Lake 11
- Baia Sprie 11
- Baluba 11
- Barton 11
- Bullion Monarch 11
- Cabrera 11
- Carlin 11
- Climax 11
- Cresson 11
- Danburitovyi 11
- Erie 11
- Fisher Trough 11
- Idarado 11
- Ore Knob 11
- Pinnacles 11
- Reserve 11
- Sally Barber 11
- Serra do Navio 11
- Siderite Hill 11
- Strathcona 11
- Sulphur 11
- Trade Dollar 11
- Tuilouse 11
- Ust Mikula 11
- Aznalcollar 10
- Berkeley pit 10
- Bleikvassli 10
- Campbell, ONT 10
- Cerro de Pasco 10
- Clifton 10
- Elmo 10
- Iron Springs 10
- Leaf Rapid 10
- Lermontovskoye 10
- Merrill 10
- Ontario, UT 10
- Oriental, NFLD 10
- Oswaldo 10
- Peru 10
- Railway Block 10
- Sisson Brook 10
- Tenke-Kwatebala 10
- Van der Made 10
- Adams 9
- Bousquet 9
- Caribou 9
- Chisos 9
- Coalinga 9
- Graciella 9
- Grayville 9
- Henderson, BC 9
- Juanita 9
- Kermac 9
- Key Anacon 9
- Konkola 9
- Leonard 9
- Modoc 9
- Morning 9
- Morococha 9
- Morro Velho 9
- Mt. Newman 9
- Neptune 9
- Normandie 9
- Port Fidalgo 9
- Purisima 9
- Rustenburg Platinum 9
- Strickland 9
- Taylor 9
- Temple Mountain 9
- Woodlawn 9
- Aljustrel 8
- Arminius 8
- Baia de Aries 8
- Bennett 8
- Black River Falls 8
- Buckskin National 8
- Carahuacra 8
- Chrome 8
- Darwin 8
- Durant 8
- Fontana 8
- George W. MacLeod 8
- Gish 8
- Hilton 8
- Lokken 8
- Longvack South 8
- Marigny 8
- N'Chwaning 8
- Noble's Nob 8
- Pea Ridge 8
- Piquepoule 8
- Portland 8
- Prospector 8
- St. Joe #29 8
- Tache Lake 8
- Talbot 8
- Ansil 7
- BMG Quarry 7
- Bachelor Lake 7
- Balsam Gap 7
- Brejui 7
- Buena Vista 7
- Burlington 7
- Cape Spencer 7
- Cernic 7
- Chesbar 7
- Claim Point 7
- Eagle Lake 7
- Endako 7
- Feitais 7
- Ingerbelle 7
- Iron Mountain, CA 7
- Magnet Heights 7
- Messina 7
- Moctezuma 7
- Mount Charlotte 7
- Mule Canyon 7
- Ojuela 7
- Onek 7
- Osceola 7
- Pablo Radic 7
- Pater 7
- Red Mountain 7
- Swift 7
- Alligator Ridge 6
- Bautsch 6
- Big Shaft Bluff 6
- Black Cloud 6
- Bootstrap 6
- Boyd 6
- Buca Della Vena 6
- Bullfrog 6
- Bully Hill 6
- Cedar Bay 6
- Chamberlain Creek 6
- Con 6
- Cupra d'Estrie 6
- Delbridge 6
- Esperanza 6
- F.M.D. 6
- Friedensville 6
- Giant Yellowknife 6
- Gold Quarry 6
- Greenvale nickel 6
- Gwillim Lake 6
- Hecla 6
- Hector 6
- Ilba 6
- Jeffrey Quarry 6
- Jerritt Canyon 6
- La Sal 6
- Levoberezhnaya 6
- Magruder 6
- Malhada Limpa 6
- Mass 6
- McLaughlin 6
- Meggen 6
- Meikle 6
- Midnight 6
- Mohawk 6
- Moorehead 6
- Penge Cape Asbestos S.A. Ltd. 6
- Pinson 6
- Pipeline 6
- Pravourmiycoe 6
- Proprietary 6
- Quemont 6
- Quiruvilca 6
- Roan Antelope 6
- Rockland 6
- Solinsky 6
- Standard Copper 6
- Sweetwater 6
- Swim 6
- Virgen de Surumi 6
- Vtoroi Sovetsky 6
- Willsboro 6
- Zabitoye 6
- Alexo 5
- Almaden 5
- Arkansas Bauxite 5
- Bolsa de Mercado 5
- Brown Derby 5
- Bunker Hill 5
- Cedar Hill 5
- Cobalt Hill 5
- Copper Rand 5
- Cork-Province 5
- Cwmystwyth 5
- Daly-Judge 5
- Dee 5
- Deep Creek No. 1 5
- Dornberg 5
- Duchess 5
- El Dragon 5
- Eldorado 5
- Flatiron 5
- Fletcher 5
- Gwynfynydd 5
- Highland Boy 5
- Hoidal Pit 5
- Hudson Bay Mountain 5
- J.B. No. 6 5
- Konder 5
- Lac Shortt 5
- Lamaque 5
- Latimer 5
- Lunnon Shoot 5
- Mandy 5
- McIntyre 5
- Mount Antero 5
- Mt. Cummings 5
- Nchanga 5
- Nipissing 5
- Palermo #2 5
- Pick's 5
- Pillikin 5
- Raposos 5
- Restigouche 5
- San Bartola 5
- San Cristobal 5
- Scranton 5
- South Crofty 5
- Sunshine 5
- Tyuzosa Gallery 5
- Umbuzeiro 5
- Union 5
- Utica 5
- White Pine Extension 5
- Wilson 5
- Xuebaoding 5
- Addie 4
- Ameib Farm 60 4
- Arsenyvskoye 4
- Barra Verde 4
- Beatson 4
- Benbow 4
- Bukov 4
- Continental 4
- Czar 4
- DeMott 4
- Desgrosbois 4
- Diamond Jo 4
- Dome, Ontario 4
- Dumagami 4
- Dupont 4
- Elk Knob 4
- Falun 4
- Fasolnoe 4
- Felknor 4
- Fukasawa 4
- Gambatesa 4
- General Electric 4
- Golden Cycle 4
- Grootvlei Proprietary 4
- Hudson Bay, BC 4
- Kingston 4
- Little Bob 4
- Lookout Pass prospect 4
- Louvem 4
- Lupikko 4
- Lynx 4
- Minerva No. 1 4
- Mont Wright 4
- Mt. Chalmers 4
- Musonoi 4
- Niagara 4
- Onverwacht 4
- Pedrinhas 4
- Pereta 4
- Pollone 4
- Pons claims 4
- Prince 4
- Pusey 4
- Republic, MI 4
- Rio Tinto 4
- Rising Star 4
- Sauberg 4
- Sedalia 4
- Silver Reef 4
- Snippaker Creek 4
- Soudan 4
- Temiskaming 4
Show More - Deposit Type...
- VMS 2645
- Vein 1869
- Porphyry Copper 1033
- Skarn 787
- Climax-type porphyry Mo 498
- Layered mafic intrusion 434
- Epithermal Low Sulfidation 379
- Magmatic 375
- Metamorphosed Epithermal 332
- BIF 330
- Anorthosite Ti 264
- Metamorphosed MVT 255
- Carbonatite 253
- Replacement 248
- Sedimentary Copper 244
- MVT 243
- Pegmatite 241
- Metamorphosed 189
- Metamorphosed VMS 183
- Sedex 170
- IRGS 149
- Kambalda-Type 146
- Sedimentary 137
- Diatreme 129
- Greisen 106
- Metamorphosed BIF 96
- Alpine peridotite 91
- Keweenaw Copper 86
- Complex hydrothermal 85
- Epithermal High Sulfidation 83
- Carlin-type 73
- Paleoplacer 63
- Laterite 56
- Metamorphosed Sedex 52
- Roll-Front/Salt-Wash U 51
- Fluorspar 46
- Volcanogenic 40
- Epithermal 36
- Sandstone Lead 33
- Evaporite 30
- Metamorphic 27
- Porphyry 27
- Impactite 24
- Unconformity U 23
- Orogenic 22
- Manto 20
- Sediment-hosted gold 19
- Heavy Minerals 18
- Placer 17
- Podiform Chromite 17
- Porphyry Au-Cu 17
- Porphyry Molybdenum 17
- pluton-related epigenetic Au-Ag 16
- Hotspring 15
- BIF/Gold type 13
- Salt Dome 13
- Bauxite 12
- Fumarolic 10
- Breccia pipe 9
- Shear Zone Replacement 9
- Weathering 8
- Kimberlite 4
- Metamorphosed Sedimentary Cu 4
- vein 4
- Clinton-type 2
- vms 2
- Bog Fe 1
- Coal 1
- Diamond Pipe 1
- IOCG 1
- Seafloor Mn 1
- magmatic 1
- unk 1
Show More
- Mine...
- Invertebrate Specimen12550
- Phylum...
- Mollusca 10064
- Annelida 1273
- Arthropoda 1004
- Porifera 104
- Echinodermata 49
- Cnidaria 29
- Molluska 6
- Chordata 5
- Bryozoa 2
- Athropoda 1
- Class...
- Bivalvia 5712
- Gastropoda 4284
- Clitellata 1257
- Malocostraca 736
- Thecostraca 131
- Malacostraca 111
- Demospongiae 103
- Cephalopoda 35
- Asteroidea 25
- Scaphopoda 21
- Anthozoa 15
- Ophiuroidea 15
- Polychaeta 15
- Mytilida 14
- Hexanauplia 11
- Echinoidea 7
- Malacostraca 6
- Hexacorallia 5
- Leptocardii 5
- Octocorallia 5
- Thecostraca 5
- Theocostraca 3
- Cubozoa 2
- Gymnolaemata 2
- Holothuroidea 2
- Hydrozoa 2
- Polyplacophora 2
- Demospongea 1
- Gastrpoda 1
- Ostracoda 1
- Polchaeta 1
Show More - Order...
- Unionida 85
- Decapoda 75
- Balanomorpha 33
- Tetractinellida 24
- Amphipoda 14
- Paxillosida 14
- Malacalcyonacea 12
- Arcida 11
- Axinellida 10
- Myopsida 9
- Aciculata 8
- Isopoda 8
- Canalipalpata 7
- Clionaida 6
- Ophiacanthida 6
- Haplosclerida 5
- Mytilida 5
- Octopoda 5
- Poecilosclerida 5
- Amphilepidida 4
- Bubarida 4
- Sepiida 4
- Actiniaria 3
- Cardiida 3
- Cidaroida 3
- Euryalida 3
- Forcipulatida 3
- Pennatulacea 3
- Scleralcyonacea 3
- Spinulosida 3
- Suberitida 3
- Venerida 3
- Carybdeida 2
- Dictyoceratida 2
- Myida 2
- Mytiloida 2
- Neogastropoda 2
- Scleractinia 2
- Sessilia 2
- Spatangoida 2
- Stomatopoda 2
- Arcoida 1
- Balamorpha 1
- Camarodonta 1
- Cheilostomatida 1
- Ctenostomatida 1
- Decopoda 1
- Dendrochirotida 1
- Leptothecata 1
- Nudibranchia 1
- Phyllodocida 1
- Poecilosclerida 1
- Pteriida 1
- Siphonophorae 1
- Spirophorida 1
- Spirulida 1
- Stylommatophora 1
- Valvatida 1
- Veneroida 1
Show More - Family...
- Unionidae 3785
- Cambaridae 761
- Cypraeidae 383
- Conidae 297
- Veneridae 294
- Polygyridae 246
- Strombidae 237
- Sparganophilidae 222
- Mytilidae 191
- Olividae 175
- Terebridae 157
- Mitridae 151
- Arcidae 141
- Muricidae 117
- Chthamalidae 105
- Pleuroceridae 101
- Nassariidae 98
- Tellinidae 96
- Thaididae 93
- Acanthodrilidae 90
- Cardiidae 89
- Columbellidae 86
- Trochidae 85
- Lucinidae 82
- Fissurellidae 80
- Littorinidae 75
- Crepidulidae 74
- Melongenidae 73
- Viviparidae 72
- Cerionidae 70
- Sphaeriidae 70
- Cerithiidae 64
- Donacidae 63
- Naticidae 62
- Buccinidae 61
- Mactridae 61
- Mycetopodidae 57
- Patellidae 57
- Triviidae 55
- Fasciolariidae 54
- Zonitidae 50
- Neritidae 46
- Turritellidae 45
- Helicidae 43
- Megascolecidae 42
- Benhamiidae 41
- Ostreidae 41
- Lumbricidae 40
- Acmaeidae 39
- Haliotidae 36
- Spondylidae 36
- Chamidae 35
- Turbinidae 35
- Physidae 34
- Tonnidae 34
- Glycymeridae 33
- Balanidae 32
- Camaenidae 32
- Corbiculidae 32
- Cyrenidae 31
- Glycymerididae 31
- Marginellidae 29
- Pteriidae 29
- Pectenidae 27
- Pectinidae 24
- Planorbidae 24
- Solecurtidae 23
- Pinnidae 22
- Orthalicidae 21
- Carditidae 20
- Dentaliidae 20
- Nuculanidae 20
- Tridachnidae 20
- Volutidae 20
- Coralliophilidae 19
- Harpidae 19
- Lymnaeidae 19
- Psammobiidae 19
- Clausilaiidae 18
- Ovulidae 18
- Pholadidae 18
- Vermetidae 18
- Ellobiidae 17
- Ficidae 17
- Psamobiidae 17
- Renellidae 17
- Bullidae 16
- Ocnerodrilidae 16
- Limidae 15
- Portunidae 15
- Achatinidae 14
- Cardidae 14
- Cassidae 14
- Cerithidae 14
- Helicostylinae 14
- Isognomonidae 14
- Margaritiferidae 14
- Modulidae 14
- Tetillidae 14
- Turridae 14
- Iridinidae 13
- Bulimulidae 12
- Bursidae 12
- Lyonsiidae 12
- Plicatulidae 12
- Potamididae 12
- Pyramidellidae 12
- Siphonariidae 12
- Solenidae 12
- Anomiidae 11
- Geodiidae 11
- Hydrobiidae 11
- Megalobulimidae 11
- Succineidae 11
- Vasidae 11
- Cassididae 10
- Octopodidae 10
- Semelidae 10
- Ampullariidae 9
- Astropectinidae 9
- Chelonibiidae 9
- Costellariidae 9
- Crassatellidae 9
- Epitoniidae 9
- Gorgoniidae 9
- Hyriidae 9
- Janthinidae 9
- Loliginidae 9
- Tridacnidae 9
- Ancylidae 8
- Bulimidae 8
- Calyptraeidae 8
- Corbulidae 8
- Haplotrematidae 8
- Hiatellidae 8
- Ophiodermatidae 8
- Scaphandridae 8
- Cancellariidae 7
- Discidae 7
- Hippidae 7
- Myidae 7
- Pandoridae 7
- Planaxidae 7
- Tubificidae 7
- Acavidae 6
- Architectonididae 6
- Calappidae 6
- Dromiidae 6
- Helicinidae 6
- Luidiidae 6
- Melampidae 6
- Nassaridae 6
- Nautilidae 6
- Pomatiasidae 6
- Spiraxidae 6
- Asteriidae 5
- Branchiostomatidae 5
- Clionaidae 5
- Fasciolaridae 5
- Hamineidae 5
- Hipponicidae 5
- Mesodesmatidae 5
- Noetiidae 5
- Nuculidae 5
- Ocypodidae 5
- Raspailiidae 5
- Scyllaridae 5
- Semelidae 5
- Ungulinidae 5
- Architectonicidae 4
- Astraeidae 4
- Crassatellidea 4
- Cyclophoridae 4
- Cymatiidae 4
- Dreissenidae 4
- Gorgonocephalidae 4
- Margaritidae 4
- Melampidae ? 4
- Petricolidae 4
- Ranellidae 4
- Sepiolidae 4
- Spirulidae 4
- Aethridae 3
- Anatinellidae 3
- Anomidae 3
- Aporrhaidae 3
- Chalinidae 3
- Cidaridae 3
- Clavagellidae 3
- Collumbellidae 3
- Cultellidae 3
- Dicyonellidae 3
- Echinasteridae 3
- Emulidae ? 3
- Halichondriidae 3
- Malleidae 3
- Melitidae 3
- Microcionidae 3
- Ophiolepididae 3
- Pupillidae 3
- Raninidae 3
- Sphaeromatidae 3
- Thiaridae 3
- Trapeziidae 3
- Valloniidae 3
- Xanthonycidae 3
- Astartidae 2
- Axinellidae 2
- Callyspongiidae 2
- Cancellaridae 2
- Crepidulida 2
- Dysideidae 2
- Ellobidae 2
- Etheriidae 2
- Eulimilidae 2
- Gryphaeidae 2
- Hippolytidae 2
- Idoteidae 2
- Lucinicae 2
- Nereididae 2
- Oculinidae 2
- Palaemonidae 2
- Partulidae 2
- Penaeidae 2
- Pharidae 2
- Pilidae 2
- Pterlidae 2
- Pupinidae 2
- Sanguinolariidae 2
- Schizasteridae 2
- Solemyacidae 2
- Sphincterochili 2
- Spongiodermidae 2
- Squillidae 2
- Stelligeridae 2
- Stomatellidae 2
- Subulinidae 2
- Tamoyidae 2
- Tedaniidae 2
- Teredinidae 2
- Tubiporidae 2
- Turbinellidae 2
- Turitellidae 2
- Verticordiidae 2
- Virgulariidae 2
- Xenophoriidae 2
- ? 1
- Acroloxidae 1
- Acteonidae 1
- Actinostolidae 1
- Aequoreidae 1
- Alcyonidiidae 1
- Alpheidae 1
- Amnicolidae 1
- Amphilochidae 1
- Ampithoidae 1
- Anthuridae 1
- Arcticidae 1
- Articidae 1
- Astraeinae 1
- Axinelladae 1
- Bateidae 1
- Blanidae 1
- Bradybaenisae 1
- Bugulidae 1
- Busyconidae 1
- Cacellariidae 1
- Camaenidae 1
- Capitellidae 1
- Caprellidae 1
- Caryophylliidae 1
- Cerithiidea 1
- Chitonidae 1
- Clausilioidea 1
- Clionaida 1
- Cochlicopidae 1
- Conidaeae 1
- Coralliophilida 1
- Coralliphilidae 1
- Corbiculiade 1
- Corbuculidae 1
- Coronulidae 1
- Corophiidae 1
- Cuculaeidae 1
- Cucumariidae 1
- Cuspidariidae 1
- Cymothidae 1
- Cymothoidae 1
- Cypraeisae 1
- Cyrenoididae 1
- Dictyonellidae 1
- Diplommatindae 1
- Dorcasiidae 1
- Edwardsiidae 1
- EllobiidaeTereb 1
- Enidae 1
- Epialtidae 1
- Esperiopsidae 1
- Eubranchidae 1
- Eucinidae 1
- Fimbriidae 1
- Gastrochaenidae 1
- Glossidae 1
- Glyceridae 1
- Goniasteridae 1
- Haminoeidae 1
- Haustoriidae 1
- Helicarionidae 1
- Helminthoglypti 1
- Hemioniscidae 1
- Hyalidae 1
- Hygromiidae 1
- Ischyroceridae 1
- Jathinidae 1
- Lamaenidae 1
- Ligiidae 1
- Luididae 1
- Lysmatidae 1
- Marpidae 1
- Melanellidae 1
- Melongeniae 1
- Menippidae 1
- Murcidae 1
- Muricidae? 1
- Murididae 1
- Myachamidae 1
- Myidaeidae 1
- Myochamidae 1
- Nereidiae 1
- Oleacinidea 1
- Onuphidae 1
- Orbiniidae 1
- Paguridae 1
- Palarmonidae 1
- Panopeidae 1
- Paraonidae 1
- Patera 1
- Periplomatidae 1
- Petcenidae 1
- Phyllodocidae 1
- Phyllophoridae 1
- Physaliidae 1
- Pilargidae 1
- Pinnotheridae 1
- Pleurotomariida 1
- Pleustidae 1
- Plezauridae 1
- Pollicipedidae 1
- Polynoidae 1
- Porcellanidae 1
- Potamida 1
- Psammobiidea 1
- Pyramidella 1
- Pyramilellidae 1
- Renilidae 1
- Renillidae 1
- Sabellariidae 1
- Sabellidae 1
- Sagartiidae 1
- Sagdidae 1
- Sanguinidae 1
- Sergestidae 1
- Serpulidae 1
- Sesarmidae 1
- Siliquariidae 1
- Solemyidae 1
- Stenothoidae 1
- Streptaxidae 1
- Strobilopsidae 1
- Strombididae 1
- Strophocheilida 1
- Struthiolariidae 1
- Terebellidae 1
- Thraciidae 1
- Thyasiridae 1
- Toxopneustidae 1
- Trapezidae 1
- Trichotropidae 1
- Trigoniidae 1
- Trividae 1
- Vitrinellidae 1
- Vivaparidae 1
- Xenophoridae 1
- corbiculidae 1
Show More - Genus...
- Elliptio 531
- Elliptio 404
- Cypraea 362
- Cambarus 342
- Procambarus 336
- Conus 296
- Sparganophilus 219
- Elliptio 202
- Strombus 196
- Lampsilis 195
- Lampsilis 190
- Villosa 186
- Villosa 174
- Terebra 154
- Oliva 141
- none 132
- Mesodon 124
- Anodonta 100
- Mitra 83
- Alasmidonta 82
- Diplocardia 82
- Nassarius 81
- Quadrula 79
- Cerion 70
- Corbicula 65
- Notochthamalus 64
- Unio 63
- Donax 61
- Goniobasis 61
- Trivia 61
- Uniomerus 61
- Cerithium 59
- Geukensia 59
- Glycymeris 58
- Littorina 58
- Crepidula 57
- Pyganodon 57
- Toxolasma 54
- Campeloma 53
- Fusconaia 52
- Thais 52
- Anodonta 48
- Tellina 48
- Anadara 46
- Fusconaia 45
- Alasmidonta 44
- Fissurella 42
- Amynthas 41
- Dichogaster 41
- Barbatia 40
- Ptychobranchus 40
- Anodontites 38
- Lasmigona 38
- Chione 37
- Pleurobema 36
- Uniomerus 36
- Orconectes 35
- Spondylus 35
- Chthamalus 34
- Balanus 32
- Lampsilis 32
- Mesomphix 32
- Pisidium 32
- Haliotis 30
- Tonna 30
- Turritella 30
- Pitar 29
- Busycon 28
- Inflectarius 28
- Modiolus 28
- Pleurobema 28
- Nerita 27
- Actinonaias 26
- Codakia 26
- Diodora 25
- Leptodea 25
- Physa 25
- Strophitus 25
- Lambis 24
- Megalonaias 24
- Mytilus 24
- Sphaerium 24
- Tagelus 24
- Arca 23
- Fasciolaria 23
- Ircinia 23
- Olivella 23
- Amblema 22
- Crucibulum 22
- Mesodon 22
- Patella 22
- Dentalium 21
- Laevicardium 21
- Melongena 21
- Tridacna 21
- Anachis 20
- Mercenaria 20
- Morula 20
- Polinices 20
- Polygyra 20
- Quincuncina 20
- Trachycardium 20
- Tritogonia 20
- Argopecten 19
- Brachidontes 19
- Chama 19
- Harpa 19
- Helisoma 19
- Mactra 19
- Marginella 19
- Natica 19
- Patera 19
- Potamilus 19
- Strombina 19
- Lanceolaria 18
- Medionidus 18
- Quincuncina 18
- Utterbackia 18
- Atrina 17
- Canthyria 17
- Coralliophila 17
- Ficus 17
- Ligumia 17
- Pinctada 17
- Quadrula 17
- Columbella 16
- Cymatium 16
- Drupa 16
- Eukerria 16
- Lucina 16
- Melampus 16
- Modulus 16
- Ostrea 16
- Tapes 16
- Toxolasma 16
- Truncilla 16
- Uniomerus 16
- Utterbackia 16
- Amblema 15
- Anomia 15
- Calliostoma 15
- Cellana 15
- Epioblasma 15
- Epioblasma 15
- Isognomon 15
- Macrocallista 15
- Obovaria 15
- Amphidromus 14
- Arcinella 14
- Bulla 14
- Cyclonaias 14
- Distocambarus 14
- Faxonella 14
- Lithophaga 14
- Paphia 14
- Patella 14
- Plicatula 14
- Semele 14
- Turbo 14
- Acanthina 13
- Achatina 13
- Asaphis 13
- Cantharus 13
- Cardita 13
- Cardium 13
- Crassostrea 13
- Macoma 13
- Murex 13
- Musculium 13
- Pteria 13
- Villosa 13
- Viviparus 13
- Bursa 12
- Ensis 12
- Eupleura 12
- Fusinus 12
- Geodia 12
- Helicostyla 12
- Lima 12
- Megalonaias 12
- Phylum...